
RP23 Official statements
Official declarations for the VIII Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas and the Caribbean can be submitted from 15 January to 20 February.
Registro RP23 hasta el 26 de enero
The registration period for participation in the VIII Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas and the Caribbean (RP23) has been extended until January 26, 2023.
RP23 Concept note
Uruguay has proposed to give a relevant space during PR23 to the topics of science, technology, and early warning systems (Target G of the Sendai Framework), under the slogan “Science and Technology for the Comprehensive Management of Disaster Risk”.
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Some 30 countries from the Americas and the Caribbean ended a key conference on disaster risk – which drew a record attendance – with a pledge to step up action to prevent and better manage disasters.
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Ministers and senior officials from the Americas and the Caribbean pledged to make their countries more resistant to hazards, such as earthquakes, hurricanes or pandemics, and renewed their vow to achieve the goals of the Sendai Framework.
This image shows a group photo taken at the Americas Regional Platform meeting.
The Covid pandemic underlines why effective action on disaster prevention and management must embrace all sectors of society and involve national and international actors, a conference on risk reduction in the Americas and the Caribbean was told.
Day Two of the Americas and Caribbean Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
The Covid pandemic recovery provides a chance to implement green and sustainable economic and social policies, but it is far from certain that governments will seize the opportunity, the VII Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction heard today.
Disasters are not natural
Journalists from across the Americas region were urged to spread the word that natural hazards such as earthquakes and tornadoes may be impossible to stop but that there is nothing inevitable about the loss of life and economic damage they inflict.